The Advantages of Using Certified Mail

If you work in any sort of business that involves the movement of goods, information, and services, you need to think about mail. For your bottom line, it is imperative that your mail arrives exactly where it needs to be in a timely fashion, free from disruption and in good condition.
This is where certified mail comes in. With certified business mail, you can take the steps you need to take to secure your mail and provide excellent customer service. Read on to find out exactly why you should be using certified mail for your business postage.
1. Track Every Package
One of the most important advantages of Certified Mail is that it provides you with airtight USPS tracking. You will be able to track every stage of your delivery from your computer. You will know exactly when a package is delayed and when it is on the move. You will also know exactly who to call if your deliveries are taking too long. Being able to track your registered mail can make your delivery processes much more efficient.
2. Print Your Labels from Home
Did you know you do not need to drag yourself all the way to the post office to benefit from Certified Mail? Rather, you can simply print off officially certified mail labels from home and tape them to your packages there and then. From here, the USPS will take over and scan the barcode on your label to ensure flawless tracking. You can click here to learn more about how to print off your certified mail labels at home.
3. Create a Sense of Urgency
One of the main benefits of certified mail is that the receiver must sign for the package. This creates a sense of urgency, as it prompts the receiver to actually record that they have received it and actually open the package they have been given. If you are sending urgent mail, this sense of urgency can give you the peace of mind you are looking for.
4. Keep Excellent Records
A business often depends on being able to produce solid documentation of where all of its goods and services are going. With certified mail, you can keep detailed records of all of your business mail all in one place, without any human error. There are countless reasons to keep your postage documentation, including customs, insurance, and taxation purposes. Certified mail will help you do this.
5. Certified Mail Means Proof of Delivery
Finally, don’t forget that certified mail means that you get proof of mailing for every single package. You will always be informed when your packages have been received and you will get documentation attesting that someone has received it. This can remove significant amounts of anxiety from the shipping process and keep you assured that you have done everything by the book.
Simple Tricks to Boost Your Bottom Line
Certifed mail is just one simple hack to help make your business operations leaner and more efficient. If you want to know more simple adjustments you can make to boost your bottom line, we have got you covered. Make sure to check out our Business guides to learn more.