When to Make a Workers Compensation Claim

After a workplace injury, you can make a workers’ compensation claim. There are certain requirements, however, that you must follow before your claim can be filed. For example, you must notify your employer within 90 days of the accident. Verbal notice is adequate, but you should also send an email to provide a paper trail.
No-fault system
The no-fault workers compensation system in South Carolina is designed to help injured workers receive the benefits they need. The system provides coverage for medical bills and lost wages. If an employer is at fault, no one can file a claim against them. This system gives employers immunity from liability, allowing them to pay their workers’ compensation claims without fear of losing the business.
The compensation awarded to injured workers is based on their average weekly wage. In South Carolina, the average weekly wage is set by the state’s Department of Employment and Workforce. If the injured worker has multiple jobs, the wages earned in those jobs may be incorporated into their average weekly wage. In either case, the worker will receive two-thirds of their average weekly wage.
Medical treatment
When you are injured at work, it is important to get medical treatment and seek the help of a South Carolina workers compensation lawyer. These benefits can cover your medical expenses and up to two-thirds of your lost wages, and you don’t have to prove that the accident was your fault. If you don’t get the help of an attorney, you can be taken advantage of by the employer and may end up losing much-needed funds.
The South Carolina workers compensation law requires that you submit to a medical examination ordered by the Commission. This examination must be done within a reasonable period of time by a qualified physician. You may not be able to get a second opinion if your doctor has refused to perform the medical examination on you, but your lawyer can help you gather evidence and make sure you get the treatment you need.
Death benefits
A South Carolina workers compensation lawyer can help your family file for death benefits to cover medical expenses and provide a safety net for your family after the loss of a loved one. These benefits are designed to help families cope with their loss and provide weekly income to survivors. They can also be used to pay for the funeral of the deceased.
Workers compensation death benefits are available to family members of an injured worker who passed away due to his or her work-related injuries. Death benefits are among the highest amounts that insurance companies pay out. In the last ten years, an estimated 4,000 to 5,000 Americans have died of a work-related illness or injury. A deceased worker’s dependent family members may include his or her spouse, children, parents, and siblings. However, the dependent family members must prove that they were financially dependent on the deceased worker.
Statute of limitations
When deciding when to file a lawsuit, the first question to ask yourself is when did you discover your injuries? In some instances, an injury becomes apparent immediately following the accident. For example, a car accident victim may realize that they were injured the same day that they were hit by a car. In other instances, the victim might only discover their injuries days later.
In these cases, it is vital to file a claim within 90 days. While the typical personal injury statute of limitations is three years, this is not true for work-related injuries. If you were injured in a job that required repetitive motion, for example, you must report the injury to the company within 90 days.
Contacting a lawyer
In South Carolina, contacting a workers’ compensation lawyer can be a smart idea if you’re unsure of how the system works. The process starts with a workers’ compensation hearing, where both sides present their case evidence. Often, the treating physician will give medical testimony and the insurance carrier will submit evidence to support the claim. At the hearing, the Workers’ Compensation Commission will make a decision on the claim. In some cases, either party may file an appeal.
The law also provides that the injured worker is entitled to a fair compensation amount based on the severity of his or her injuries. The amount of compensation varies depending on the injury, including the number of body parts affected, and the likelihood that the injured worker will be able to return to work. In addition, the injury must have been sustained while on duty. An automobile accident that occurs during the lunch hour is not likely to qualify as a workers’ compensation claim, but a slip and fall while moving equipment may qualify.
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