
Detailed Information Regarding the Effects of Ibogaine On the Body

Ibogaine is an alkaloid mainly extracted from a famous west African tree called Tabernanthe iboga. The tree is one of the traditional and essential medicinal plants in the communities; however, modern science shows its effects are lasting and extensive beyond the traditional treatments. It has a varying impact on the body, as indicated by various clinical trials and medical research, which shows the effects occur in different phases once administered into the body.  

First used as a medicinal plant in 1962 for drug addiction, the effects continue to expand, and today, it has a significant impact on the body. Doctors recommend it in different dosages for dealing with various issues such as addiction, appetite, nerve issues, boosting immunity, stress, hormone regulation, and many more. Here are some notable effects on the body.  

Impact on the nervous system 

The nervous system is critical for transporting different messages to the brain, which triggers certain hormones that can be beneficial or harmful to the body. One of the main benefits or the reasons why Ibogaine is a critical medication for different illnesses is its impact on the body’s nervous system. 

It affects the neurotransmission system affecting the delivery of various messages in the forms of nerve impulses to the brain. It also acts as an antagonist blocking different receptors from transmitting various messages to the brain, triggering conditions such as addiction. It interacts with receptors such as opioids, NMDA, and glutamate, among others, acting as a mediator of issues such as moods, consciousness, motor effects, pain, etc. 

It also facilitates the production of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), one of the proteins critical for developing the entire nervous system and the survival of various neurons. Due to its effects on the nervous system, it can control different synaptic plasticity and memory functions due to its subsequent impacts on the brain. 

Besides the nerve effects, it also directly affects the brain by controlling different receptors in the brain. Though the effects are not instantaneous as other medications, Ibogaine treatment outcomes indicate that it can be an ideal remedy for long-term treatments, especially therapy treatments. The effects are long-lasting and can stay in the body for a week, depending on the dosage and frequency of usage.  

Impact on stress and moods 

Ibogaine is suitable for dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, PTSD, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is suitable for dealing with these conditions due to its stimulation and antidepressant effects. Due to these properties, it inhibits the serotonin transporters, preventing stress and the negative energy that can easily lead to negative and bad moods. The effects inhibit the transportation of these nerve messages to the brain, preventing stress. 

Those who use it are likely to be calm and suitable after a stressful day. Therefore, it can be a good stress inhibitor but only used in controlled dosages. This explains why some medicines for dealing with mental health complications consider iboga roots as one of the ingredients for the drugs. 

Impact on body hormones and addiction 

Those addicted to various substances such as cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and other drugs can use Ibogaine as a remedy for fighting the addiction and an essential element for opioid substitution therapy. It has been used as one of the most suitable addiction medications for a long period. The effects can help relieve the withdrawal symptoms associated with opioids and drug cravings.  

Some drug therapy centers consider it a good detoxifier but only for certain drugs such as cocaine and crystal meth. The detoxification effects are long-lasting up to 12 months post-the drug therapy treatments. However, the patients need smaller dosages to help suppress the cravings. For some patients, the cravings can be eliminated; others may have to use them for a while before they are fully suppressed. 

Ibogaine prevents cravings for drugs due to its impact on the body’s neural system. First, it inhibits the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which are an integral part of the body’s reward system, especially in the brain. The increased accumulation of these receptors and their message to the body triggers the cravings, which, when fulfilled, become a reward.  

Their accumulation creates a deficiency, leading the body to crave addiction as a reward. Ibogaine prevents the receptors from reaching the brain, disrupting the deficiency-reward system and processes created in the brain. With time, the body maintains the amount of acetylcholine necessary for balance. 

It also has effects on the hormone dopamine levels. Taking some of it inhibits the production and transportation of dopamine, a part of the brain reward system that leads to drug cravings. Once you begin using Ibogaine, the dopamine levels will decline to the pre-addiction period enabling you to maintain a healthy lifestyle free from drugs.  

Boosting body immunity 

Though not confirmed by many studies, a few researchers state that it can be a good remedy for dealing with obesity and its effects. Clinical trials indicate that it can suppress appetite, helping one reduce consumption of junk foods and eventually deal with obesity and related conditions such as heart-related diseases.  

Those who use it frequently and in small dosages can also benefit from the antimicrobial properties reducing death due to Candida albicans infections. It inhibits excess production of the enzyme lipase, which is the primary agent used by Candida albicans to infect the body. Some trials also indicate that due to its impacts on the antimycobacterial activity, it can be good for reducing bacterial cultures of different pathogenic microorganisms that can lead to frequent illnesses such as a cold. 

Those living with HIV/AIDs can also benefit from its impacts since it disrupts the replication of retroviruses, giving the body immunity a fighting chance and an opportunity to build up and fight the subsequent infections. When used as part of HIV Prep medication, it can help limit the possibility of one contracting the illness by preventing retrovirus replication and boosting the body’s immunity against pathogens.  


Ibogaine is a suitable medication for dealing with various conditions, such as addiction and mental health issues, due to its effects on the body. It affects the functionality of the nervous system hence controlling the hormone levels that help manage addiction and withdrawal syndromes. It is also ideal for boosting body immunity, preventing conditions such as obesity and increased concentration of viruses and bacteria in the body.

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