
5 Inspiring Tips for New Tennis Players

The world’s oldest tennis court built during king Henry VII’s period is still in use today. The old king loved the sport so much that he spent most of his free time there.

If you share a similar passion for the sport but haven’t mastered the game quite yet don’t worry. Tennis is a brilliant game whether you enjoy it or are doing it to keep fit.

New tennis players need to be patient during coaching. Thinking that it’s a matter of hitting the ball will cause a lot of frustration.

Keep reading this article for five inspiring tips for new tennis players.

1. Have a Good Grip Game

Your grip game determines your prowess in tennis. To be a pro tennis player, you must learn how to switch quickly through different types of grips.

During the follow-through stage make sure to have a light but steady grip on the racket. A good follow-through grip is as important as the one used before you hit the ball.

Taking tennis lessons online will help you master any type of grip. Avoid a tense grip on your racket as this might lead to tennis elbow.

2. Position Your Body Right

Balance is key when you are playing tennis. Your mind will be on the ball and the grip. The last thing you want is to worry about your footing.

Thus, during tennis coaching, it’s wise to focus a little bit more on the leg work. Create a distance between your legs to create a large base area. Run around the court with racket in hand to get the feel of it.

3. Keep the Racket in Good Shape

Your racket is your weapon when it comes to this battlefield. It must feel right in your hands. Ensure you pick a racket whose weight and size you can handle.

During tennis training, they emphasize having an over grip on your racket. This reduces the impact your sweat has on the grip. It’s wise to know how to take care of your racket and use it in the right way.

4. Focus on the Ball

Keeping your focus on the ball might look like a given but it’s harder than most people think. New tennis players tend to focus on the grip and forget to look at the ball. Regular tennis coaching will help you concentrate on the ball with ease.

You will be able to hit and recover more. Failing to focus on the ball will lead to an inaccurate shot. Make sure you have your eye on the ball right from the follow-through stage.

5. Take Water

The majority of new tennis players underestimate the amount of running tennis demands. There is a lot of footwork and arm swinging involved.

Your joints will need more lubrication to handle all these movements. Dehydration is the root of many joint conditions.

Use These Tips for New Tennis Players

The game is mostly about balance than most tennis players realize. Having a light racket will help reduce the strain on your hand.

Make sure to have light training to avoid developing the tennis elbow condition. Check out more helpful tennis articles on this website.

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