What Are the Most Common Problems With Garage Doors?

Having issues with your garage door? The problem could be dangerous to tackle alone, so it’s important to get the right professional help on your side to get things back to working the way they normally would. To help you figure out how to resolve the issue, here are some common issues that you may need a garage door services expert to take care of.
Ask a Garage Door Services Expert: What Are the Most Common Problems With Garage Doors?
Stuck Opening or Closing
There’s nothing more frustrating than when you’re trying to pull into your garage or back out from it, and the door won’t open the way you expect it to. If you have an automatic garage door, the issue may be a fault with the motor or power supply that is used to open the door.
For manual garage doors, the issue is likely with one of the mechanical parts. For instance, the roller that helps the door move along its track might not be working properly if the door is sluggish to open or close. The chains could also be damaged, or components of the door could be out of alignment. Contacting a provider for garage door services in Cody can help you figure out the exact cause of the problem and get it taken care of.
Blocked or Faulty Sensors
When it comes to automatic garage doors, a common issue is problems with the sensors that trigger automatic opening or closing. This could be a simple issue to fix if it’s something blocking the sensor. Locate where the sensors are and ensure that nothing is blocking them, such as tree branches, roof overhangs, or any other potential obstacle.
If clearing the path to the sensors doesn’t make the automatic opening and closing response more responsive, there could be an issue with the component itself. The sensor will need to be repaired or replaced in order to get back to working reliably the way you expect it to.
Worn-Out or Snapped Spring
One common cause for issues with garage doors is damage to the spring that holds tension to keep the door in place. You might notice the garage door fall suddenly if the spring snaps. This can be a cause for concern, as the sudden drop might endanger people standing under the garage door or damage a vehicle as it is passing through.
If you notice an issue with your spring, especially if it snaps while the garage door is down, it’s important that you contact a professional before taking any further action. Trying to move the door when the spring is broken could cause the spring to fly out from the door, potentially causing serious injury or even death. Contact a professional so they can alleviate the issue with no danger involved.
Taking action yourself when there’s an issue with your garage door seems like a simple undertaking, but it could lead to serious injury or could cause further damage to the garage door. It’s best to call in a professional to address the issue. They’ll be able to get your garage door working again so that you can enjoy the convenience it used to provide for you.