
How to Protect Customers And Employees Within Golf

1 Special risks for golf clubs

In view of the fact that most of the golf club members are social elites mainly high-end business people, when the above-mentioned members play sports and leisure on the course, it will invisibly increase the golf course’s demand for safety level. For example, in July 2018, US President Trump played at a local golf club during a visit to Scotland. During the period, in response to the crowd of protesters and demonstrations, the local government used military special forces, special police snipers and a large number of police to ensure the safety of the perimeter of the golf course, while Trump’s own safety has always been By the U.S. Secret Service personal guard.

For the changes in security needs caused by stadium membership, if there is no consistent understanding within the club, it may lead to passive stadium security work. Once various security accidents occur, the consequences will be disastrous.

2.1 The importance of security work

2 Security work in golf clubs

The complexity of golf club operations dictates the need for professional management support. Because the operation of the club involves the management of a large amount of real estate, it can be regarded as a collection of many “small and micro businesses”. Its main positioning is leisure and entertainment facilities, but many stadiums also include catering, retail, facilities and equipment rental, business event planning and implementation, entrepreneurial networking and other services and event organizations.

The internal systems of the club are organically combined to form a large system operation, and the complexity of its management can be seen. Therefore, in the case of complete hardware facilities, club employees must become experts in the industry, and through professional services, members can enjoy their time in the stadium, and then they are willing to continue to patronize. However, stadium safety is the foundation of all services. As a club employee, especially a professional security personnel, it is very important to have the ability to detect safety problems before they occur and deal with them properly in a timely manner. Conversely, if you just passively wait for safety and legal issues to occur before dealing with them, it will cause varying degrees of loss to members and the club. Therefore, it is very important to plan ahead, improve the risk management capability of the stadium in a timely manner, and regularly organize professional training for security personnel.

2.2 Key points of security work

According to the statistics of US commercial insurance companies for 10 years (early 2009 to early 2019), it can be found that insurance companies pay $100 for each golf club. In fact, many of these claims are preventable and avoidable if appropriate proactive measures are taken. Here, the 10 security priorities of golf clubs are summarized for readers’ reference:

1. Central alarm monitoring system

The club hall, equipment store, club storage room and other equipment maintenance buildings shall be equipped with CCTV monitoring, full height turnstile and alarm devices, and shall be managed by the central control room.

2. Hazard identification and adjacent areas

The vegetation, roads and parking lots of the stadium should be checked frequently for hidden dangers or dangers, and attention should be paid to whether the stadium has a negative impact on the surrounding residential areas, roads and shops;

3. Basic occupational requirements for employees

Before starting work, employees should be organized to systematically study the stadium management regulations. One of the most effective ways to implement employee risk management is to employ a third-party organization for training and issuing qualification certificates;

4. Fire Operation Management

Safety managers need to regularly check the fire safety system, including the improvement of the hardware system, the correct fire behavior habits of employees, fire drills, and the mastery of skills of conventional fire safety facilities, and at the same time pay attention to the risk coverage of insurance during the operation period.

5. Anti-drop management

Safety managers need to regularly check whether there is a risk of falling/slipping on the court with full coverage, and place warning signs and conduct risk management in a timely manner;

6. Operation and maintenance of golf vehicles

Including golf cart maintenance, general driving and operation, and parking lot setup;

7. Golf vehicle driving road

Usually accident-prone locations include: ramps, sharp bends, blind spots, and intersections, and it is necessary to check the rationality of the route setting;

8. Minors

Never underestimate the damage and impact children can cause to a club. Areas where children often have problems include: golf vehicles, golf balls and clubs;

9. Severe severe weather

Whether the stadium is equipped with a lightning forecast system, whether there is an emergency evacuation plan under severe weather conditions, etc.;

10. Employee safety management

Facility maintenance workers, golf vehicle drivers, pasture maintainers, beverage cart attendants, and equipment store salespeople all need to attend regular safety training and work safety tips.

To sum up, it is recommended that golf club management and front-line staff regularly check the above safety risk points. This helps to cultivate the active safety awareness of employees, so that relevant problems can be reported in a timely manner and solutions are proposed to resolve potential safety hazards.

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