How Can I Approach Structuring My Dissertation or Thesis?

In academics, one has to complete dissertations or a thesis in their final year. This is where they develop their explanations on a particular topic. Also, at times people do search is there someone “who will help me do my dissertation online?” That is because they are unsure of the details and want to make a mark in class with proper professional help.
Nonetheless, as a student, whether you are seeking assignment help online or have decided to go forward on your own, here is a basic structure that you need to follow.
- Select a topic of choice.
- Add an introduction that is relevant.
- Start looking for literature reviews from relevant sources.
- An explanation of the methodology is important.
- There must be a content body with all the appropriate discussions.
- Finally comes the conclusion part that you must add.
- You must also add a reference list to avoid plagiarism.
Guideline of a Proper Dissertation Structure
Here is a basic guideline for a dissertation structure:
- Title Page:
It is the first page of your dissertation and contains the title of your dissertation, the name of the student, the institution you are studying at, and the name of the degree program, followed by the submission date.
Also, at times, it does include the name supervisor’s name and the university’s logo with the name. Educational institutions have specific guidelines for the students to follow, and not abiding by the same will make them liable to various penalties in class.
- Acknowledgment:
The acknowledgment space is used to thank those who did help write your assignment. This space is optional most of the time. All you have to do is include the name of your supervisor, close friends, and family members who did help you academically.
- Abstract:
An abstract is usually 150-300 words long and does include the summary of the dissertation. Here is the purpose of an abstract:
- Mention the main topic and your research’s aim.
- Elaborate on the methods used.
- Summarise the findings.
- Finally, state your conclusion.
Though the abstract is quite short, it is the only part of the dissertation that people read. You need to be sure of the abstract part and ensure that the message you want to convey is clear.
- Content Table:
In the contents table, make a list of all the chapters along with the subheadings and their page numbers. This way, it will be easy for the instructor to review your writing and grade the contents accordingly.
Make sure to include each and every part of your dissertation in your content table, including the appendices page. It is easy to generate the content table directly in Word.
- A list comprising all the tables and figures:
If your dissertation has multiple tables and figures, then this one is a must. Do number the tables one after the other and keep adding the same to your list. You can utilize the “insert caption” feature from Word to make things easy.
- Abbreviation List:
This list is for the abbreviations used in your dissertation and must be alphabetized. This way, your reader will be able to look at the meaning.
- Glossary:
For cases where you have used multiple terms, then the glossary section is important. This particular section is an attempt to make the readers accustomed to the terms they are not familiar with. Just make sure to have your list sorted alphabetically.
In the introduction, it s required of you to work on the name of the topic and define its purpose and relevance:
- Work on your research topic and add the background to contextualize the information.
- Elaborate on the research’s scope and narrow down your content’s focus.
- Talk about existing research work on a similar topic. This will also help you elaborate on the relevance of your research to the broader problem.
- State your research question and objective simultaneously.
- Do not forget to add an overview of the structure of your dissertation.
Everything you mention in the dissertation shall be engaging and transparent. The main purpose of the reader shall be to understand the why and how part of your research.
- Literature Review:
The literature review section is about you finding academic work on your topic. Here is a list of all the things that you need to do while working on a literature review:
- Collecting sources
- Evaluating each source
- Finding out relevant connections with that source
Also, in a literature review section, you shall
- Address the detected gap in the literature.
- Come up with a separate methodological or theoretical approach to the topic.
- Address a solution to a problem that is unresolved.
- Advance in the theoretical debate.
- Or build on the existing information with new data.
- Methodology:
It is the part that does elaborate on how you have probably proceeded with the research. Here is a list of all the things that you shall include:
- The overall type of research.
- The data collection method you have used.
- Details regarding data collection.
- The methods of data analysis you have used.
- Tools and materials that are of concern.
- The obstacles faced.
- Justification of the method used.
Make sure you have accurately listed out all the things you have done for real and they are also convincing.
- Results:
It is time to make a report of the results incurred. Try to input all the details as relevant and make sure they are meaningful. Have the sections listed separately, and you can get graded accordingly.
- Discussion & Conclusion:
Institutions have their students write the discussions and conclusions precisely under the same section. However, you can also make them separate based on your criteria. Nonetheless, ensure that your point of view is elaborated in your own words and that there are adequate graphs and pie charts as backups.
- Reference List
The particular requires you to list all the sources you have consulted so far. Institutes require you to abide by several reference styles like APA, MLA, Harvard, and Vancouver.
In case you are not able to handle so much pressure from academic deadlines on your own, go for professionals online. But do check for the following features.
- Check for the deadline schedule they follow.
- Find out the authenticity level of their task.
- Whether they will be offering subject-specific experience or not.
- What is the refund policy?
- Is your privacy at stake?
Final Thoughts
Structuring your dissertation does require a thorough knowledge of the subject you are working on. And with time, you will get better. However, you can go for professional service providers and seek quick help on time.
Author Bio:
Anne Gill lives in London, the UK, and is a part of the core team at Previously, she used to help students with their questions, “who will help me do my dissertation online?” as a freelancer.