What Is The Passing Score For PMP Certification?

Talking about the pmp certification, the main concern is the minimum passing marks. All candidates pursuing the respective test wonder about the same. Though it may seem strange in the beginning once you pursue the course the relativity of the same is acknowledged. In order to clear that respective certification exam, 1 has to go through various levels before the final digitalized/computerized attempt. After clearing this exam, you are entitled to PMP certification and entitlement accompanied with your initials/signs and name.
About the passing score for PMP
The minimum passing marks were clearly known in recent years but in the current situation, it has been kept as a piece of private information or a secretly guarded mystery. The respective test involves two hundred questions out of which 5 are just pre-test or pre-exam problems and the result of the same is not included in the candidate’s score. The unmarked five problems are included for validation of the exam prospects in the future.
As said earlier that the passing score is a mystery in this respect so instead of working on the passing percentage one should practice hard to achieve a minimum score of 70%. This would enhance your chances of being selected or passing the exam successfully and you may receive a congratulations message in your mailbox.
Though till November 2005 target of 61% was kept as the minimum passing weightage for achieving the certification successfully which had fallen from 81 percent in July 2005 because the number of successful certifications was decreasing before. But the new score is still a secret.
What to ignore?
Since the passing marks of the respective examination have been kept as a mystery so spread of rumors about the same is quite natural. Make sure to stay away from the basic rumors about the exam and the passing score. Three important points of the same are:
- The assumption that all questions weigh unequally is totally out of the box. The distribution of the score is that each question is marked with one point which is aggregated to find the total score obtained by any candidate.
- The assumption that the minimum weightage of passing marks is equal for everyone is completely out of the box again. For every profession, the weightage varies. Hence the aspirant’s minimum passing requirement is worked out by an efficient psychometric system used by the experts or the professionals. The determination of the number of questions to be correctly answered for passing the respective exam varies according to this metric system.
- The third rumor is that scoring less than the minimum in even one subject or field marks you failed. This is not true as certain targets are set in such cases by professionals.
About the exam for PMP certification
The pursuing candidates claim the respective exam to be the world’s toughest competitive exam as the candidate needs to have the professional knowledge of handling projects for clearing this exam. The professional and practical knowledge of the same is the only source through which one can reach the passing score level. The vast curriculum makes it necessary to be well aware of the related skills.
Project Management PMI, the governing body, makes it necessary to be quick and spontaneous while answering the exam. The same is possible only when the candidate is completely thorough with this syllabus and the practice sessions.
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