In this period, everyone wants to stay fit and healthy and live longer. But day by day medical expenses is touching the sky. Not everyone has the financial stability to beat the expense without any tension. Many people are scared about the upcoming future and wonder how to drag the burden of medical expenses if any medical crisis arises. Hence it is beneficial for you to take the best personal medical insurance for protecting yourself from an unwanted crisis.
What is personal medical insurance?
It is an agreement where the insurance firm ensures the insured covers all the medical expenses only if the insured is admitted to a hospital after going through an uncertain accident.
Many hospitals sign a contract with the hospital to give free treatment to the insured if the insured gets admitted after meeting an accident. If the insurance company does not have a contract with the hospital then the insurance company will pay the equivalent amount of medical expenses to the insured person based on the policy.
To promote self-awareness among people government often deducts the tax so that people can invest it in getting health insurance.
Significance of personal medical insurance
It is not new that the medical costs have touched the sky. People keep on working day and night to earn money in fear of a medical crisis in the future. The cost of treatment especially in the private sector can make a hole in your wallet. Even the bill of medical treatment can make you sell your estate. The situation can even deteriorate if you need medical help and you are the only earning member of the house. To get rid of all the tensions related to medical expenditure in the future you can start investing your money on getting health insurance from the insurance firm in a small amount, every year. Good quality health insurance can even cover the consultation and ambulance charges.
Who can get personal medical insurance?
In India, a compulsory health check-up report is not essential for people under 45 years before investing in getting health insurance. Hence, it is always advisable for you to get personal health insurance before the age of 45, though you need to clarify your physical conditions like whether you are having diabetes, blood pressure, or any other disease before you apply for health insurance.
What documents do you need to apply for medical insurance?
Everything has some legal policy. Hence, listed below are some documents that you need to submit before applying for personal medical insurance.
- Age proof
- Address proof
- Passport size photographs of your
- Identity proof
- Medical certificate(if your age is above 45)
Why should you take personal medical insurance?
If you are still wondering for the reasons then the following points will help to clarify.
- Growth in diseases:- In this generation where everyone is in a hurry to get success, people even forget about themselves. Hence, they can get affected with numerous unexpected diseases at a young age like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and many more. Taking essential measures can aid the prevention of chronic diseases. Though balancing your financial status at the same time can be difficult for you. Hence, thinking about your future circumstances, you should take coverage of personal medical insurance.
- Medical tests are not required for people below the age of 45:- It is one of the most beneficial policies for you if you are under the age of 45. Since it will save your medical test costs.
This is flexible for you only if you do not have any prior critical ailments like diabetes etc. If you have certain diseases then you need to clarify them to the insurance firm.
- Post-treatment benefits:- If you take the insurance policy from a good insurance firm then it can benefit you with post-treatment coverage for at least 60 days. Due to illness, you might lose your source of income and if you are the only earning member of your family then this policy will be a life-saving opportunity for you and even for your family.
- Conserve Tax:- Getting personal health insurance will secure your upcoming future and bring you financial stability. It will also save your cash by extending some tax privileges. With the right coverage of your medical insurance, you can save a good amount from your tax.
While running in the path to fetch success and to secure your family’s future you take a break and think about yourself. You should secure your future first because if your future is healthy then you can make your family’s future secure. You can choose your medical insurance from Care health insurance because they will provide you with the best coverage in your budget. Care health insurance will provide you with the best deals so that you don’t waste your present days worrying about your erratic future. Make the right investment and secure your future.
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