How To Store Wine The Proper Way

As the leaves fall and the temperatures drop, many of us are warming up with a glass or two.
Some of you may be storing wine for this time of year in anticipation of colder weather, while others may have just purchased their first bottle.
Whichever category you find yourself in, it is important to learn how to store wine properly so that it can age as desired. Melb Wine Store is a shop that sells a huge selection of wine from around the world. You can buy wines from Wine delivery Melbourne.
In this article, we will discuss how to store opened wine as well as some general tips on how to store all types of wines.
Temperature is Essential
It is important to keep your wine at the proper temperature because it can greatly affect its flavor.
While many of us may not have access to a cellar, keeping your wines on a rack away from direct sunlight and heat sources will help them age properly as well as retain their flavors.
Choose an Area with Little Light Exposure
Exposing open bottles or unfinished bottles of wine to light over time can damage the product by speeding up oxidation.
This process decomposes components in the drink that contribute to its aroma and taste, making for an unpleasantly bitter experience when consumed.
You should avoid storing opened bottles near windows where they are exposed to natural light during daytime hours, even if you close all blinds, curtains, etc.
Store Your Win Horizontally
It is important to remember that wine bottles should be stored horizontally rather than standing upright.
This will prevent too much sediment from building up and adding excess weight on top of the cork, which can lead to a faulty seal or even leakage.
If you have vertical storage space such as a pantry closet, consider storing your wines sideways with their labels facing outwards so you don’t forget what’s inside each one.
Keep an Eye Out for Corks & Capsules
Corks are often used in winemaking because they allow air into contact with the product while preventing outside particles from invading it.
If the cork is exposed to too much air or humidity, however, it may dry up and shrink away from its bottle completely, which could prevent a proper seal between the two components of your wine storage.
To avoid this scenario entirely, you should be sure that corks are moistened before being inserted into bottles.
You can do so by submerging them in lukewarm water for about thirty minutes prior to use, then drain and allow them to dry on their own (without direct sunlight) before placing them back inside bottles filled with liquid.
Reduce Indoor Humidity As Much as Possible
As mentioned earlier, humidity can have a negative impact on the condition of your wine.
During storage, you should try to reduce indoor humidity levels as much as possible because excess moisture in enclosed spaces leads to problems such as mold and mildew growth.
While this may be difficult during colder months when we want our homes warm and comfortable for everyone who lives there, it’s important not to let any water sit inside bottles or glasses that hold finished products.
Know When Your Wine is Expiring
All wines have a “drink by” or expiration date on the label. This is not for storing purposes, but rather to inform you of how long it will be before your wine peaks and begins to degrade in quality.
Ideally, this should fall between one and a half and two years after bottling.
However, many types can safely age for more than five years without losing their flavor profiles. Make sure you are clear on your wine’s expiration dates before inserting them into your wine preservation system.
Reduce Oxygen Exposure to Open Wine Bottles
If you find having an open bottle of wine around for more than a day or two to be problematic, consider using smaller decanters. This will limit how much air is exposed to your product and allow it to age without becoming too oxidized by the end.
You can also use stoppers that feature tiny holes which allow gas (such as carbon dioxide) to escape while preventing oxygen from entering during storage periods.
Some wines may benefit from this process because they take on certain flavors when exposed to small amounts of oxygen over time. Others should not be stored in such conditions.
Keep Steady Refrigerator Temperatures for Open Wine Bottles
For wines that have already been opened, you should avoid storing them in the refrigerator for more than a few days at a time.
This is because temperature fluctuations can cause cork damage and lead to leakage or oxidation-related problems with your product.
It’s best to keep wine bottles in their original packaging inside refrigerators unless they are being served immediately upon opening.
If this isn’t possible, consider transferring finished products into smaller containers before placing them within reach of doors where temperatures could change greatly.
Lastly, you should consider using Aerator for wine for safe storage in the refrigerator.
Store Open Wine Bottles Upright in the Refrigerator
If you plan on storing open wine bottles in your refrigerator, it’s best to keep them upright instead of laying them on their sides.
This will minimize the amount of liquid that contacts the cork over time and help prevent leakage or issues with pressure building up inside bottles due to too much headspace.
You should also avoid placing these products near any shelves containing foods that might risk tainting your drink as well.
Use Wine Rack Storage Solutions Whenever Possible for Storing Finished Bottles
Many individuals are hesitant about investing in wine racks because they don’t think they’ll have enough stored product at one time to justify purchase costs associated with this type of storage solution.
Store Your Wine Away from Exterior Walls
You should keep wine bottles away from exterior walls in any type of storage area. The temperature differential between these locations can cause condensation to build upon the outsides of containers and negatively impact cork integrity over time.
If you don’t want your beloved wine exposed to light either, make sure that no clear or translucent materials are present where stored beverages are located.
Avoid placing finished products near fireplaces (even if they aren’t in use) because excess heat exposure risks damaging flavors due to too much oxidation.
Interested in Learning More About How to Store Wine
As you can see, learning how to store wine isn’t too difficult. If you’re interested in learning more, continue reading our blog for more helpful articles.