
How to Plan the Perfect Romantic Break

Want to head to a new place to do something fun with your special someone?

A romantic break is a great way you can reconnect and show your partner how much they mean to you. You can go on a trip with little to no interruptions like children, chores, or work. It’ll be the perfect time to eat, drink, and relax with your partner.

To ensure you get that perfect couple’s retreat, here’s what you need to do.

Plan the Break Together

When planning for a romantic getaway, you and your loved ones need to agree on certain things. You both have to pick a destination, which activities you’ll do, and how long you’ll be staying. It’s best to make an itinerary of all the activities you wish to do during the trip.

Start making plans together by setting a budget. You have to decide how much you’re willing to spend on food, the hotel, activities, and travel.

Once you settle on a certain amount, then you can allocate them towards the costs, such as:

  • Souveniers (2%)
  • Local transportation (5%)
  • Activities (8%)
  • Food and alcohol (25%)
  • Flight to destination (25%)
  • Hotel or villa (35%)

If you’re not careful with your spendings, you could splurge all your savings away. Aside from the budget, you also need to decide what to do with your children or pets if you plan to leave them behind.

Find the Perfect Location

With a plan and budget, you need to narrow down where you want to go for your short break. If money is a bit tight, you may want to consider destinations where you can drive or ride a bus.

Research on popular exotic locations, romantic places, or look for an all-in-one cruise. Consider both your interests and what you can do at your destination.

You also have to consider where you’ll be staying. You can either go to a hotel, rent an apartment, or rent a whole house. Consider going for cabin rentals with hot tub or outdoor pools so you can enjoy your luxurious couples retreat.

Check For the Cheapest Travel Prices

You’ve decided where to go, now how will you get there? If you want to save cash and time, go for a place that’s less than five hours away from your place. Consider scheduling your flight or ride during off-peak times to get the best deals.

However, if you want to avoid the large crowds, then travel during the offseason. Take a look at the costs for nearby airports. If it’s too costly, consider driving or changing where you would like to visit.

Know What to Pack

One of the most important things to remember is to pack according to the season. Bring clothes that look great and feel comfortable. Consider packing some of your spicier clothes and items for hot, romantic date nights.

For your bag, bring a big suitcase and carry-on bags for more essential items. Place your essentials and gadgets in your carry-ons such as your camera, phones, passport, cash, and copies of important documents.

This includes:

  • Business cards
  • Medical history and marriage license copy
  • Diver’s license
  • Emergency numbers
  • Photo ID
  • Coupons, tickets, or vouchers
  • Traveler’s receipt and checks

Aside from that, you should also bring your toiletries and needed medical items. The more prepared you are for the trip, the less you’ll have to stress when you get there.

Make Yourself Look and Feel Gorgeous

People in new relationships put in loads of effort for their new partner. When you’ve been together for so long, it’s easy to take this part for granted.

Consider buying new clothes and sexy undies with a bit of personal grooming. Take away those old tracksuit bottoms or baggy shirts that may kill the romantic atmosphere. Bring new outfits to make your loved one see you in a new light.

Concentrate on Each Other

You can’t really concentrate on your partner if your kids need more attention. They can also shout and scream a lot during your romantic getaway.

Although kids and pets are great for other trips, you won’t be able to concentrate on each other when you’re worried about someone else.

Why not drop off your kids and/or pets at your parent’s place to care for them for a while? You can also hire a babysitter to look after them for a few days. It’s best to limit your use of your gadgets and step away from work and stressful environments.

Skip the Romantic Holidays

Although it’s reasonable to take your partner out on days like Valentine’s Day, make it different with your couples retreat. You don’t need to have a reason to go on a romantic getaway. There’s no need to wait for a holiday or anniversary for a romantic trip.

Surprise your partner with the new environment. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy the fewer crowds and secret deals, especially for the weekends.

Don’t Go Anywhere Unfamiliar

It may sound fun to go to a place that’s new, but it may take a lot of research, cash, and time.

There’s something about new, unfamiliar surroundings that might kill the mood. This is because you can easily get lost and feel anxious about the new environment.

Relax and Drink Up

During this pandemic, everything may feel more stressful, including work, children, finance, personal, or health issues.

For your romantic getaway, consider relaxing and heading to the spa. You could also go on a picnic, take a walk, or have a romantic date with wine or cocktails.

Do Things Out of Your Comfort Zones

It’s nice to make some new memories and do other activities with your loved ones. Do something that keeps your blood pumping like bungee jumping, horseback riding on the beach, or taking a cruise.

Achieve the Perfect Romantic Break With Your Loved One

Going on a romantic break will surely boost that love you feel for each other.

Make sure you include each other in your plans and give each other enough attention. Do all the things you can’t do at home and spark that love, especially for those in a longer relationship.

Did you enjoy this article? If you need more tips for your romantic break, check out the rest of our guides

If you wish to find out more about over fifty tours be sure to check out Fun over 50 Holidays.


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