How to Fix pii_email_96a71d706ac0e355e34a Error Solved

So, you’ve received a message frpii_email_96a71d706ac0e355e34a error. Please install the application again.” The error appears when the application has not yet finished installing properly. To solve this problem, you must download the latest version of Outlook from the official website of Microsoft.
Microsoft Outlook error code pii_email_64f0c8ee12302c72f721
To fix this issue, you have to first know what caused this error code. Most likely, it is caused by a connection issue between your Outlook program and the server. If you do not have a strong Internet connection, the server may be inaccessible or unreachable. Otherwise, it is likely due to a faulty installation of the Outlook Mobile Manager.
If the problem still persists, try deleting the Offline Address Books folder. It is a folder that can cause problems in your e-mail client. Unhide it by selecting Start > Folder Options>View tab. After doing so, delete any content in the Offline Address Books folder. Then, re-add the account.
If none of the above methods work, try running the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant. This tool checks a variety of Outlook settings and system requirements. Then, you can install the latest Outlook client and any other Microsoft 365 desktop applications. Occasionally, the problem will still persist despite the latest updates. If you are having problems sending or receiving emails, check the Outlook status bar to see if it is being used by another program.
If this solution does not work, you can try creating a new user profile. This will enable you to change the settings of your email program. Once you have done this, you can now try sending or receiving emails. But, before doing this, make sure you have a valid SMTP account. This is the only way to fix Microsoft Outlook error code pii_email_96a71d706ac0e355e34a
Solution to fix error code pii_email_96a71d706ac0e355e34a
If you’re having problems sending and receiving emails in MS Outlook, you may have come across this error code. These errors are often caused by a conflict between the application and the SMTP server. Fortunately, it is possible to fix this error on your own without professional assistance. Listed below are a few solutions to this issue.
First, unlink all of your email credentials from your PC. If you have more than one email account, the MS Outlook application may not be able to correctly handle all of your emails. You can try unlinking the email credentials and restart your system to see if the error code has been resolved. If the problem persists, try deleting the corresponding emails.
If none of these solutions work, try the System Restore Utility. This tool restores your system to a previous state and replaces corrupted data with healthy ones. Using System Restore Utility, you can fix error code 0x80070043 by restoring your computer to a state where it was functioning normally. The process is easy and requires minimal computer skills.
Solution to fix error code pii_email_96a71d706ac0e355e34a
If you’ve been struggling with this error message, then there’s a simple solution for you. You can find the solution by clicking the update button within the Microsoft Outlook program. After the update is complete, you should close the application and restart the computer. Check for the error again and repeat the same steps. If you still see the error message, you can try a few other methods.
First of all, the error message itself is usually a series of numbers. There are many variations of this error message, but in most cases, these numbers are the same. It means that the email was sent to the SMTP server in error. This happens when an Outlook software application sets parameters in an unfair way, protects links, or makes an installation mistake.
The next step in this process is to clean the outlook software. Uninstalling the program may fix the error code. If this does not work, contact the Microsoft Outlook support service for further instructions. Alternatively, you can perform a complete uninstall of Outlook. The best solution to fix error code pii_email_96a71d706ac0e355e34a.
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