
How To Convince Elderly Parents to Wear Depends  

You’ve recently noticed a distinct odor of urine on your elderly parent’s clothing and furniture, and you believe it’s time for them to try adult diapers. When you approach them about the subject, they become defensive and cut you off. What are your options? 

Adult incontinence, which can include involuntarily leaking urine from the bladder and eliminating fecal matter from the bowel, affects at least half of all older adults in America, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  

Wearing adult diapers or briefs can help those suffering from the condition navigate their daily lives easily. 

Understanding the Dilemma of Incontinence 

Urinary incontinence occurs when a person accidentally leaks urine. While urinary incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, can affect anyone, it is more common in older people, particularly women. Bladder control problems can be humiliating and cause people to avoid normal activities. 

This condition can have severe consequences for those affected and those who care for them. Falls, pressure injuries, social isolation, depression, and caregiver stress are all associated with the condition, raising the risk of institutionalization. 

The main benefit of people wearing diapers is the assurance, safety, and freedom that their advanced designs and progressive technology provide. 

How to Convince the Elderly to Wear Diapers  

Try these tips to assure your loved one that diapers will go a long way in improving their daily living:  

  1. Address their Denial  

Many seniors will try to manage incontinence independently, while others may be in denial and choose to ignore the problem entirely. Research has found that many patients do not report incontinence to their doctor or loved ones. Informing them that you’ve discovered an odor or stains may help them realize it’s time to find a solution. 

Gently explain to them what you’ve noticed. Be tactful, and avoid using words or tones that could offend. 

Smell and vision loss are natural consequences of aging. As a result, some seniors are unaware of how noticeable their incontinence is to others. If you notice your parent is experiencing incontinence, you owe it to them to have an open conversation about it and collaborate with them to find a solution. 

  1. Use Age-Appropriate Terms  

Unless they specifically ask you to, refrain from using the phrase “diaper.” If you don’t, they might see your remarks as an admission of guilt, making them feel even more ashamed. Instead of the word ‘diaper,’ refer to adult incontinence products using age-appropriate terms.  

As adults of any age would, seniors frequently resist the phrase “diaper,” and for a good cause. This phrase commonly refers to infants or toddlers who have not yet learned to use the toilet. Use terms like convenience briefs, pull-ups, protection briefs, or underwear.  

Verbal choices and voice tones may not seem crucial, but speaking with and caring for our loved ones in a dignified manner may make a world of difference, especially when it comes to encouraging cooperation and elevating self-esteem. 

  1. Get the Right Diagnosis for Incontinence  

Elderly persons had lower expectations for their health and saw aging as a normal, deteriorating process. A popular belief was that urinary incontinence was unavoidable in getting older and should be accepted and treated. People refrained from obtaining advice due to shame, embarrassment, and generational disparities in views toward exposing personal information. 

A history and physical examination help identify the precise type or types of urine incontinence present. Getting the correct diagnosis may help their doctor recommend treatments, and they may not even need diapers anymore.  

  1. Show them Samples  

No adult likes being treated like a baby. The hesitation in using diapers might come from the misconception that it’s like baby diapers.  

You may have to show them samples of well-designed adult pull-ups. They are not only sleek fit and invisible under clothes but provide optimal absorbency without bulk. Some high-quality contingency products also feature soft, breathable material and advanced odor protection.  

Unless the person is bedridden or has severe absorbency needs, they are good to go with pull-up diapers that resemble regular underwear. However, tabbed diapers are necessary for those with physical limitations and high absorbency needs. They make it easier to place the brief on an immobile or bedridden person, eliminating the need to sit upright. 

Watch their reaction before pulling out the samples. And if they’re receptive, you can take them to a store to see more options and choose their preferred product.  

  1. Seek Help from a Friend or Professional  

In some cases, it may be necessary to seek the help of a specialist. It would help if you spoke with their doctor or a close friend to encourage them to use diapers. It will be far more effective if someone else says it rather than you. Even if they disagree, they should explain why they do not want to wear diapers. This will assist in moving things forward. 

  1. Give them Time to Process It  

It will take them some time to get used to the idea that they require adult diapers because they have spent their entire lives caring for you. 

Remember that they are still your parents even when you are an adult child or an elderly parent. Without explaining why forcing your parents to do something can come out as disrespectful. They may already be aware of something yet still not accept it. You are responsible for finding a way to persuade them without hurting their feelings. Make sure they know that adult diapers are made to help people maintain their dignity.  

In Conclusion  

Adult incontinence is a common medical problem that primarily affects the elderly. With adult diapers, seniors can manage incontinence and improve their quality of life. The most important reason for older people to wear diapers is to protect their integrity, mobility, and hygiene. Your older adult can go about their day without worrying about unpleasant surprises if they use an adult diaper.  When you reason together, you can assist your beloved parent in making the right decision. Remember to be patient and persistent so they understand how concerned you are about the situation. 

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