
Dealing with Moving Stress: Strategies for a Calmer Transition

Moving is exciting as it is the start of a new adventure. However, moving can be disruptive, especially for the kids who might experience mixed emotions through the entire process of relocation. 

Moving is stressful even for the adults who have to figure out all the logistics. It is also exhausting and may lead to a lot of stress and anxiety.

Signs of Moving Stress Include:

  • Raised Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Forgetfulness
  • Fatigue
  • Procrastination
  • Excessive worrying

This article discusses ways of dealing with moving stress and some strategies for a calmer transition.

Do Your Research

 The key to avoiding the feeling of helplessness or stress during a moment of transition is finding out as much as you can about the changes that you will be facing. Make the situation that you are about to face as predictable as you can. Are you able to buy a new house or will you be moving into a rented apartment? Learn about setting up utilities in your new area. Research opportunities that you may have in the new neighborhood. Before you even make that move, you can significantly reduce your stress level by visiting the new town way in advance. This will give you a sense of familiarity and calm. Check out the new school or hospital. Learn about the community. Seeing all the positives the move presents should make you feel more comfortable.

Start Early

Will you hire movers and packers or will you do the move yourself? Packing at the last minute can make your stress levels shoot up a notch higher. Start packing as early as months before the move.

You can start packing the non-essentials and then work your way down to the items that you use on a day-to-day basis. When packing, clearly label boxes and maintain an inventory list to make your unpacking process smoother.

Create a Moving Checklist

One of the best ways to prepare for a move is by creating a moving checklist. A moving checklist is like a roadmap that helps you know what needs to be accomplished week by week in the days leading up to the move. A moving checklist should have all the tasks that you need to accomplish. Start by listing more concrete tasks such as researching and hiring a moving company and then get down to smaller details such as packing room by room. A smart moving checklist should include deadlines to help you keep track of your activities and their timelines.


When planning for a move, financial stress is simply inevitable. Creating a comprehensive budget early can significantly ease this burden. A moving budget helps you calculate the moving costs. It also helps in catering for other hidden charges like packing materials, transportation, and potential storage costs. While budgeting is a good move to avoid dealing with moving stress, it is important to also keep in mind that unforeseen changes may alter the budget. Even after meeting the fixed budget, save up some more money for any such eventualities.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Even with a move, a positive attitude is everything! Look at the benefits that the move presents in your case. For example, you may be getting a promotion from your job, moving in with a lover, or simply changing your lifestyle. Leaving the familiar may cause some pain. However, focus your mind on the positive. 

Another way to help you cope with moving stress is by practicing positive self-talk. Reframe your mind to give you some positive vibes. Instead of thinking, “Everything is out of control,” Tell yourself “I am blessed and will get through this.” Moving to a new house always comes with a level of anxiety. However, by maintaining a positive attitude, you can easily beat the negative feeling.

Practice Self Care

To maintain your well-being through this time of transition, you must prioritize self-care. Get some time to rest, spare some time for relaxation and recharging. If you feel that you need to treat yourself to a massage, go ahead with it.

Burnout is a common occurrence during transition. To avoid this, take time from all the moving planning and recharge. Additionally, stick to a schedule by eating regular meals, going to bed at your usual time, and minimizing your workload. Self-care could also mean jogging in the morning or listening to some motivational talks. Even as you plan the moving logistics, take time to engage through social interactions, read a book or even keep a journal. 

Involve Others/Seek Support

Relocating can be a big life adjustment that you do not have to handle alone. Let your family know about your plan to move. Engage them in your plans so that they can plug in whenever they can. It is not offensive to ask someone to help in packing up your rooms, watch your pet, or even babysit your kids on the move day. Family and friends who value you will offer their time and resources for free during a move. They may not ask for any repayment but you can show them your gratitude by gifting them an item or even buying lunch or some drinks.

Take Breaks and Rest

While it may be tempting to stay up late to finish everything, it is important to note that sleep deprivation will only increase your stress levels and you will be more prone to make mistakes that you shouldn’t have made. To deal with moving stress anxiety, make it a priority to get enough sleep so you can manage your stress levels and stay awake.

Embrace Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Moving stress levels can be lowered by dedicating even a short period of time to mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Additionally, there are lots of online tutorials that can help you have brief mindfulness and relaxation sessions to aid in refocusing and regaining your composure.

Tackling moving stress through the above workable strategies will set you up for a calmer, stress-free transition. Make that move the beginning of a new and surprising twist of fate that will bring nothing short of happiness!

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