
A Guide On police Check And Its importance

Western Australian cities like Perth are one of the ten fast-growing economies in the world. Western Australia is becoming a hot spot for new industries and businesses. Thus the flow of workforce from other parts of Australia and other countries is at its high. In such a situation, companies need to find the background of their employees to confirm they are safe for employees. Thus companies in Western Australia now depend on the Western Australia police clearance to verify the history of new employees.

Not all positions and companies require such a police clearance. The police clearance becomes necessary for sensitive posts like childcare, aged care, government-related works, defense-related jobs, etc. These jobs require employees with no criminal background for safety. Any faults from the employee can put the organization at stake.

Importance of police check

Police checks can be seen from both the perspective of workers and employers. As companies’ workforce in Western Australia increases, Western Australia police clearance becomes an industry-standard these days. This clearance applies to residents of Australia and those with a work visa, and the police clearance will show the employees previous criminal offenses if any. The certificate will carry disclosable information like convictions and sentences, Pending charges, sexually related crimes, charges against corporate organizations, etc.

  • For the employer: After employing a worker, all the actions made by that employee affect the firm. A background check of the employee will provide the employer with necessary information on their social behavior.

Also, the company has the responsibility to make sure that the new employee is safe to work with others. It became a common practice among companies working in sensitive sectors to collect their employee’s clearance certificates.

  • For the employee: Employment has a life-changing effect on many people. Due to the increasing opportunities in Western Australia, it became a favorite destination for candidates. So, to prove themselves as safe to work in any organization, the candidate can present a Western Australia police clearance. It is advised to carry this certification for every interview in Western Australia.

How to get police clearance

It is not hard to get police clearance in Western Australia. But choosing the correct method can save time.

  • Offline method: If the person is ready to go through all the formalities, they can directly approach a police station or post office. The application for police clearance will be available in these offices. Fill in all the necessary information in the form as per instructions. But this paper-based application can take a longer time to process.
  • Online method: This method includes help from government accredited agencies. This method is an entirely paperless way of getting the police clearance, and it only takes about 15 minutes to fill up the whole application. Most of the results will be brought back to the applicant within 48 hours digitally. The faster nature and 24 application facility make this method more feasible than the offline method.

The process:

The process of applying for the Western Australian police clearance can be completed online. And the steps for completing the application are simple. The person needs to login into the official website of the national character check. Then fill up the required columns and apply. Do not fill in wrong information, which will result in delaying the clearance.

Selecting the purpose is also essential. There will be fees for petitioning, and this fee can be submitted with various online methods. The data submitted by the applicant will compare with criminal data by the national police checking system. The result is sent to the applicant by email. And if a hard copy is requested, it is sent to the applicant via post. These certificates will have a validity of 3 months.

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