
7 Essential Tips For Managing Employees

Historically, managing employees has been an exercise in strong discipline and firm communication. Statistically, however, employees work harder and stay longer at jobs where they feel heard and respected.

A recent Gallup poll showed that employees are 4.6 times more likely to perform their best work when they feel their voices are heard.

The same poll suggested that 96 percent of employees felt that empathy advanced employee retention rates.

If you’re a startup entrepreneur running a business then studying the most effective managerial tips will help in the long run.

Let’s review some of the principles most managers agree are vital to keeping the best employees.

Encourage Staff Participation

Lack of communication is one of the most recurring problems in losing good employees. That’s why smart managers will encourage employees to reach out and voice their feelings,

Try to foster a peaceful environment of open discussion. Personal communication is all the more important in an age where many employees are working remotely.

An article in the Harvard Business Review suggested that email communication alone was “insufficient” for managing employees with empathy.

Companies are now investing in regular video conferencing and informal gatherings to promote a kinder way of managing employees. (Virtual pizza parties, yum?).

Make Sure You Have Smart Goals

Vague job descriptions are a recipe for disaster. Even when jobs change frequently, it’s important for a manager to make sure jobs follow S.M.A.R.T. goals. As one education resource explains, S.M.A.R.T. goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-oriented

When employees get simple details about their objectives, work performance is easier to measure and improve upon.

Focus on the Positives, Spin the Negatives

Employees are motivated by the desire for rewards, not fear, as business studies consistently prove. Rewards may be financial or may simply be recognition and praise for a job well done.

When employee performance suffers, make it a point to help the person improve and put a positive spin on counsel.

First, communicate what the employee did well, and then discuss areas for improvement. Show them how to do it, with specific examples, so there’s no confusion.

Use Business Management Software

Employee management software can help with accurate record-keeping, timely reminders, and streamlining a number of HR tasks.

When you use a system like this, you can micromanage privately without actually staring over your employee’s shoulder.

Check out one system’s features from and see how an automated system can help with organization.

Be an Exemplary Employee First

The old expression is true: you can’t expect your small business employees to do anything you wouldn’t do. That includes maintaining a good work ethic. No wonder managers are often promoted from within the ranks.

That way, people can see that good work gets noticed and managers are always model employees, working hard and enjoying their job.

Be Surprisingly Personable

Most employees resent the corporate response, whether it’s via form letter or delivered face-to-face. Cold and distant responses, while P.C., don’t do much for employee retention.

Make a reputation of being personable and sincere when you talk to employees. Even if you have to deliver bad news, they will respect you more for being honest and communicating from the heart.

Make it a Point to Monitor Performance

If employees are doing a good job, don’t take it for granted. Measuring and monitoring performance helps improve employee morale and identify strategies that work.

When you create a system of monitoring performance, you can weed out minor problems before they get worse. You can help good employees advance to great.

You can even move problematic employees to a different area, better suited for their skills.

Managing Employees, an Art, and Science

Managing employees is not just a science, but an art, one that requires analyzing each unique personality and office environment.

What matters is fostering more communication, promoting good feelings between staff and management, and creating and achieving exciting new goals.

Goals should not only appeal to management and customers but also to the workers who must face the daily grind.

For more on manager-related topics and keeping employees happy, please continue to follow Vents About.


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