4 Incredible Ways To Maintain Your Sun Lounges At Home

Sydney is one of the most pleasant places to live in. And anyone who lives in other metropolitan cities will notice that the capital of New South Wales is more laid back than others. There are plenty of beautiful places like parks and beaches to relax all over the city. But since Sydney is famous for its relatively pleasant weather conditions, you can also enjoy spending time in the comforts of your home. As such, sun lounges in Sydney backyards are a pleasant sight as you can spend a delightful time outdoors without stepping outside the house.
Meanwhile, since sun lounges are exposed to the elements round the clock, you must ensure that you take care of them properly to enjoy them for a long time. This outdoor furniture requires maintenance to keep it from deterioration. So, here are several cleaning and maintenance tips for your sun lounges to keep them in their prime condition:
Tip #1: Clean Them All the Time
Sun lounges and other outdoor furniture are often exposed to dust, dirt, and harsh wind. And these extreme weather elements in Sydney can cause grime and other impurities to build up. As a result, it can eventually degrade the durability of the materials. So, if you want to stop this from happening, you must spend time cleaning your outdoor furniture pieces regularly.
So, if you are planning to look for sun lounges in Sydney, cleaning them depends on their materials. For example, plastic furniture pieces are cleanable by wiping and hosing off. Meanwhile, other materials like rattan and wicker need careful scrubbing with a fine-bristle brush to get rid of dirt build-up.
Tip #2: Keep the Sun Lounges Dry
Sudden downpour happens in Sydney, even during the summer. So if you cannot put your sun lounges in a shaded area, you need to dry them thoroughly to avoid mould and mildew infestation.
So, you may wipe off all the excess moisture in your sun lounges using a clean quick-absorbing cloth. Then leave them out under the sun for proper air drying. Meanwhile, if the cushions and pillows of your sun lounges got soaked in the rain or other liquids, you might hang them out to dry before using them again to prevent allergic reactions due to moulds.
Tip #3: Treat Mould or Mildew Aggressively
Once you spot a build-up of moulds and mildew in your sun lounges, you must treat it immediately to avoid severe damages. You can use a bleach mixture with soapy water and spray it over the spot directly.
Scrub the build-up using a scrub brush to clean the affected area. After doing this, you must place the sun lounges in an airy and open space. Exposure to natural sunlight will help destroy the moulds and mildew and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the furniture.
Tip #4: Finish or Oil the Furniture Consistently
Sun lounges made from natural materials like rattan or wood require regular oiling to maintain their pristine condition. Doing this regularly helps prevent the materials from getting excessively dry, thus fading and splitting will less likely occur.
You should wipe your sun lounges using boiled linseed oil a few times annually for the most favourable results. This tip is beneficial for Sydney residents since the city has plenty of hot and dry days throughout the year.
Taking care of your sun lounges allows you to enjoy using them for years to come. It will also ensure that you do not have to buy new outdoor furniture every once in a while since you can preserve the integrity of the outdoor lounges using these simple tricks.